It’s 2019. So Why Do 21st-Century Skills Still Matter?

Name: Boyd, Shani

Topic: ID


Boss, S. (2019). It’s 2019. So Why Do 21st-Century Skills Still Matter? Retrieved from:


The article introduces how the 21st Century model has evolved in the current era and how it is being applied in the real world by students. Drawing from examples of various teachers, Boss demonstrates what has worked well to incorporate the 4C’s while empowering students. As the model calls for moving away from textbooks and teachers talking-at students, students collaborate with others, apply critical thinking to real-world situations, and find creative uses for communicating through digital tools. Yet, despite the innovations technology has brought to this way of teaching, many teachers still find it challenging to incorporate established frameworks for deeper learning.


This article opens with a successful example of students applying 21stCentury skills to a problem in their community that drew on their ability to collaborate and think critically. The article then transitions into an explanation about applying the 4C’s and other innovations to deeper learning that have evolved in the digital age. Boss introduces notable educators in the field and incorporates several examples of how students have applied this method outside of classrooms. She also provides additional reading material and links to other websites for further research. I like that this article covers a variety of perspectives on how the 21st Century model has been applied and how it works for students. She calls for more teachers to make the much needed transition because the competencies taught reman relevant to a students contribution to their community and life outside of school.

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