ChatGPT and Beyond: How to Handle AI in Schools

Said, Nadine


Elgersma, C. (2023, February 14). ChatGPT and beyond: How to handle AI in schools. Common Sense Education. Retrieved April 23, 2023, from

The Common Sense Education article “ChatGPT and Beyond: How to Handle AI in Schools” discusses the implications of using artificial intelligence (AI) in educational settings. The article highlights the benefits of AI, such as personalized learning and increased accessibility for students with disabilities, but also discusses the potential risks and challenges that come with its use.

To effectively handle AI in schools, the article recommends several key strategies, including:

  1. Prioritizing student privacy and data security: Schools should ensure that student data is protected and that AI systems are designed with privacy in mind.
  2. Providing clear and transparent communication: Teachers and school leaders should communicate with students, parents, and the broader community about how AI is being used in the classroom and what its benefits and limitations are.
  3. Incorporating AI into the curriculum: Schools should consider how AI can be used to enhance teaching and learning across various subjects and grade levels.
  4. Promoting critical thinking and ethical considerations: Students should be taught to think critically about the potential biases and limitations of AI systems, as well as the ethical implications of their use.

Overall, I think the article emphasizes the importance of taking a thoughtful and intentional approach to using AI in schools, and encourages educators and policymakers to work together to ensure that its use aligns with educational values and goals.

Information Overload and Technology Addiction

Goodman, Jana

Sullivan, A. (2016). I used to be a human being. The New York Times. Retrieved from:

Summary:  This is an article about the dangers of information overload and the author’s personal experience and recovery from technology addiction.  Sullivan is an amazingly skilled author who in the past has used self examination and deep empathy to write about depression and the experiences of families who have a member with a mental illness or disability.  This article is mind-blowing and an important read for everyone involved in technology and information.  He makes the argument (and he is not the first person to make it) that the overload of information and constant information seeking is robbing us of important human connection.

Evaluation: I think this is an excellent article, it is very long but I was riveted.  It raises an important idea for librarians.  Even as we show students or patrons how to access limitless amounts of information, we should remember to also teach them life skills to limit this information.  What are the daily habits they need to form to use ever-changing technology and information in a reasonable and limited way so it does not erode their person to person skills and rob them of desperately important human contact?