Implementing change in traditional topic

Shibrie Wilson


Dillon, S., & Laughlin, A. (2016, March 7). Unbury the past: apps and websites for exploring ancient worlds, mix it up. Retrieved from

Summary: Kids should be aware of other ancient civilization and histories and not limited to Ancient Greece and Egypt. Dillon and Laughlin created a bibliographic of reliable sources available to students and teachers. Websites were chosen based on frequency of utilization in their own librarian careers. All five websites provide free access and labeled by grade and includes target audience either for students, teachers, or both. Each website contains different interfaces for students to use. For example, National Geographic Ancient World News contains information about discoveries or recent destructions. Ancient  World News contains information about discoveries or recent destructions; Ancient Civilizations Online is an online textbook and covers places such as Egypt, the early Middle East, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Africa, South Asia, China, Japan, and South and Central America. There also downloadable apps available for purchase to enhance research. Also, utilizing accounts such as twitter to collaborate with other educators who have quizzes, daily post, and pictures. 
Review: Really wish I would have known about this blog earlier. Recently, had classes come in for research and I provided resources we have in print and online but this would have expanded their research. This is an awesome resource in which teachers can collaborate with TLs to find more information and develop lesson. I appreciate that it provides grade levels appropriateness. Looking forward to working with this in future.